Pressure Equipment Integrity Management (PEIM), Visual & NDT Inspection Services
What extent of services do you require?
Our Expert Integrity Managers are here to create, implement and
maintain Owner User & Non-Owner User Programs under CEL’s Proven AQP or generate full package Owner User Programs in compliance with ABSA, TSASK, and Technical Safety BC, as outlined in the Pressure Equipment Safety Regulations. Our programs are comprehensive, covering inspections and management requirements for a variety of upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors. With our services, we can help to implement all elements of a QMS (Quality Management System) for successful registration with provincial jurisdictions.
Not sure what your organization needs? Contact us any time to start working on a program that fits your needs and compliance goals efficiently and cost effectively. Our programs are designed to meet the needs and goals of our clients that grow effectively.
On staff certified Inspectors and discipline specialists:
ï‚· API 510 – Pressure Vessel Inspection
ï‚· API 570 – Pressure Piping Inspection
ï‚· API 653 – Above Ground Storage Tank Inspection
ï‚· NBIC – Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspection
ï‚· ABSA Certified Inspectors: ISI-PVPP & ISI-BPVPP
ï‚· TSASK Certified Inspectors: Class 1 & Class 2
ï‚· NACE CIP – LVLI & LVLII Coating Inspection
ï‚· CWB – Welding Inspection
ï‚· Visual Drone Inspection
ï‚· Refractory Inspection
ï‚· Engineering background competency and certifications in Petroleum, Power, and Welding engineering disciplines

Non-Destructive Testing Services
Our certified NDT specialists are teamed with industry leading equipment, proven to provide reliable results guaranteeing accuracy. Our Team at CEL has timelessly developed a registered NDT Program that is jurisdictionally approved and demonstrated allowing for both construction and in-service application under CGSB and SNT-TC-1A guidelines.​
Ultrasonic Testing Inspection Methods:
Zero Degree & Shear Wave units
Magnetic Particle Inspection Methods:
Wet Florescent, Wet Visible, Dry Powder
Liquid Penetrant Inspection Methods:
Wet Visible and Wet Florescent
Harness Testing
Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection for storage tanks
Long Range Guided Wave Inspection for all piping applications
Coating Jeep Testing for low voltage tank and vessel applications
Coating thickness inspection
Borescope inspections with specialty tooling to allow for small ID. exchanger tubular visual inspections


Chief Inspector Services: In-house corporate Chief Inspectors are placed within organizations to assist in the development or maintenance of asset integrity quality management programs.
Area Inspector Services: In-house contract Area Inspectors can be assigned areas of support on as needed, part-time or full-time support to assist in the controlled growth and coverage for clients with fluctuating and varying support needs.
Shop Inspector Services: In-house Shop inspectors cover the duties required to fulfill the owner’s inspector designation by ensuring continuity between vendors, engineering, and client expectations. Our goal is to provide industry expert coverage for all shop inspection activities based on the wide variety of skills and experience our in-house inspectors offer. With over 20 years of experience, it is our goal to ensure that projects arrive on time, and completed to the design specification of the owner’s designation.
Turn Around Integrity Planning: In-house inspectors will assist in the planning and execution to ensure jurisdictional compliance is adhered to following process and equipment specific Inspection Test Plans and Damage Mechanism evaluation.
Equipment Repair Plan & Monitoring: In-Inspector will manage the repair and return to service of damaged pressure vessels, boilers, pressure piping or storage tanks following jurisdictional legislation requirements.
Pre-Purchase Facility, Corporation or Equipment Evaluation: Inspection resources to cover simple equipment acquisitions to corporate purchase evaluations for integrity risk rating & management. All required NDT services required to support visual inspection of used equipment are completed with duel certified crews to ensure the most reliable and cost-effective inspection possible.
Data Management and Data Entry: Data entry and management technicians in-house allow for a streamline transition of information from the field to the acting database with ease for industry specific programs. This includes but is not limited to our CEL in-house database, ABAData Equipment Manager, Oplii, Roughneck, Visions, Meridium, Maximo and other.
Failure & Incident Investigation: Sr. Inspectors are always on call to ensure all accident and failure scenes have the proper support required to maintain proactive control of site and equipment integrity while managing the re-activations of equipment and facilities as effectively as possible.
Dual Certification Survey Inspections: On-stream equipment survey inspections can be completed at per-piece bid or hourly execution to ensure cost predictability as well as effectiveness.
Service Area Map
We offer a wide range of integrity support across Canada